
金大蓬出生在台灣台北。自幼受祖父及父親的薰陶,啟蒙於吳詠香及陳雋甫老師,又承習於胡念祖,俞仲林及程介子老師。在此其間也勤習西洋畫,從師於李德及李木樵老師, 1981年在美國加州美工學院習,讀純藝術。在那期間,她研究如何能使東西藝術一體化。她用西方明亮和大膽的色彩與構圖,而以中國傳統水墨畫材料和技法表現出她對繪畫的熱愛。她要以色彩,線條,層面來表現捕捉時空感。在2004年她曾獲半島基金會贊助下赴中國杭州中國美院進修研習中國唐宋工筆畫。2006年,幸拜習于侯北人大師門下,受教良多。目前,她仍然在進行著「溶匯中西藝術」一系列的作品創作並曾多次獲獎。

Amy Da-Peng King was born in Taiwan. She has studied Chinese brush painting with several masters at the age of 13. In 1979 she moved to California and studied fine arts at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland where she earned a BFA Degree in Painting. During those years, she worked on integrating eastern and western art styles. To incorporate the western watercolor method, she combines brighter and bolder colors while using traditional Chinese brush painting techniques and materials. She held many solo shows as well as group exhibits in United States and China. She is a member of Chinese American Artists Association and a renowned art instructor in California. In 2004, she received a grant from Peninsula Community Foundation and attended the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China where she studied for three months. Since 2006, she has the privilege study under Master Pei-Jen Hau and was encouraged to further develop her recent series of new landscape paintings. Currently, she is working on “east meet west” series in her studio in California, United States and won many awards.

More at Amy King's Website.