
白翠霞是位詩人、畫家,她跟隨侯北人先生學畫已十一年了。2007年在加州洛斯奧圖城的九號畫廊曾有次個人展,又在2008年參加了中國昆山侯北人博物舘的羣展。2005年的矽谷公開畫室展,她的作品被選出為節目獎。她的排句版畫曾於2010年在舊金山日本領事館展出。 她曾出版過一本排句詩冊,書名是《冬月的臉紅》 。 並曾同《Kyoko的天空》作者Fay Aoyagi 共同翻譯了《Kiyoko Tokutomi的排句詩》。 白翠霞與Tei Matsushita Scott合譯的書《秋月的寂莫: Kiyohsi and Kiyoko Tokutomi,1967年七月到十二月之間的信件》,此書贏得2010年灣區獨立印刷發行協會最佳回憶錄獎。她與黃春麗合譯《侯北人詩集》。她是美國中華藝術學會2010至2012年會長。

Patricia J. Machmiller is an artist and poet. She studied brush painting with Master Pei-Jen Hau for eleven years. A solo exhibit of her brush paintings was held in Gallery 9, Los Altos, CA, in 2007. In 2008 she was part of a group exhibiting in the Hou Beiren Museum, Kunshan, China. In 2005 she received a Gala Award from Silicon Valley Open Studios. Her haiku etchings were exhibited at the San Francisco Japanese Consulate in 2010. She wrote the haiku book, Blush of Winter Moon and translated, with Fay Aoyagi, Kiyoko’s Sky, the Haiku of Kiyoko Tokutomi. With Tei Matsushita Scott she translated Autumn Loneliness: The Letters of Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi, July-December, 1967; it received the Best Memoir of 2010 Award by the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association. With Julie Holding she translated the Poetry of Pei-Jen Hau. She was president of American Society for the Advancement of Chinese Arts from 2010 to 2012.