
Charlene Shiu Ching Yip (葉小青) was born and raised in Hong Kong. When she was a child, she studied Chinese Brush Painting under her mother’s teacher 周一峯. She also took western painting while she was in university in the United States. She participated in juried students painting shows while she was in university. She was also selected in the Annual Juried Art Department Exhibition in the University. A couple of years after she moved to California, around 1983 ,84, she became a student of Mr. Paul Hau 侯北人.
She enjoys all creative art works. She is also a very active Ikebana artist and an Ikebana teacher in Sogetsu School, Japan. She attained a First Grade Jonin Somu teacher degree in Sogetsu School, Japan and was involved in volunteer works in museums such as De Young, Legions of Honor, Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, Oakland Museum etc. She also did solo Ikebana exhibitions and demonstrations locally, participated in Group Ikebana shows both locally and in Japan and exhibited Chinese Brush Paintings in United States and China.

葉小青生長於香港, 從小隨母親的老師周一峯先生學中國畫, 念大學時並修了西洋畫, 作品亦多次被選出參加藝術系的年展, 1983 -1984 年間搬到加州後,又師從侯北人先生.她的作品曾在美國及中國展出.
葉小青喜好所有創造性藝術, 亦是活躍的Ikebana 插花藝術家及教師, 得到日本Sogetsu 學院–級Jonin Somu教師文憑. 她曾多次在灣區舉辦個人插花及示範展, 也常參加日本及灣區的插花羣展. 她亦是灣區博物舘De Young, Legions of Honor, 亞州藝術博物舘及奧克蘭博物舘的志願工作者.