
黄春麗, 現任美國中華藝術學會會長。台大電機系畢業, 美國密西根大學資訊工程碩士及史丹福大學工商管理碩士。 有幸從侯北人老師及袁天一老師習畫。黄春麗是《水墨丹青侯北人》的作者,並與白翠霞女士合譯《侯北人詩集》。她也是加州聖荷西博物館講解員之一,以教導灣區中小學生藝術史及藝術欣賞為樂。

Julie Holding, president of American Society for the Advancement of Chinese Arts, graduated from National Taiwan University with a BS in Electrical Engineering. Additionally, she holds an MS in Information and Control Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Masters in Business Management from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Julie is the author of Bold Horizons in Ink & Color. With Patricia Machmiller, she translated and published The Poetry of Hau Pei Jen. She studies Chinese brush painting with Hou Beiren and Yuan Tianyi. Julie is an outreach docent for the San Jose Museum of Art.