
鄧福庸1937 年生於廣東。 臺灣大學化學系畢 業。 從事醫學研究三十多年。 師從侯北人大師,簡國藩大師, 高木森教授及馬玉蘭老師多年。在中國,台湾及北加卅多次參加联展及評審大賽展。屡獲傑出獎。她為北美嶺南畫會創辦人之一,在社区示範及教畫,深獲好評.

Ms. Isabella Yeh was born in Canton, China. Graduated from National Taiwan University Chemistry Department. Worked as a medical research chemist for more than 30 years. Ms. Yeh studied Chinese brush painting with Professor Hau pei-Jen since 70’.She also studied under Master Kan kwok - Fan, Prof. Arthur M S Kao and Mrs Ma Yu-L to learn difference painting techniques. She participated in many jointed exhibitions in Northern California, Taiwan and China. She received many honors and awards in art competition. She designed the cover and wrote an article introduced Mr. Hau and his paintings in the National Taiwan University 2010 Year book. Also demonstration and teaching in local communities.