
林明姝女士是美國北加州矽谷活躍的國畫 水彩畫和潑墨畫的老師和畫家., 二OO七年中旬遷居新墨西哥州, ,她已在那兒成立了她的畫室,新創作的潑墨風景畫融合了中國水墨畫和西洋的水彩畫,顯出了中國畫和西洋畫的精粹.她經常參與不同的中西畫展,得獎次數頻繁,今年二月她的畫'潑水"榮獲世界抽象畫比賽首獎.

林明姝女士出生於台湾屏東縣. 她畫畫的啟蒙老師是屏東的蔡水林老師,她跟蔡老師學素描、蠟筆和水彩,蔡老師經常帶她及村裡的小孩到外面寫生,.初中時,和林謀秀先生學畫竹和蘭花; 初中高中時期多次參加畫畫比賽多次入選屏東縣的各項美術比賽,全省美展亦入選過兩次;在民國62年時和劉子仁先生學墨荷.中學畢業後到台北補習並上班,結婚後移居美國加州聖塔芭芭拉,在聖塔芭芭拉市立大學選修素描課,後因先生調職遷居美國其他州,在她所居住的任何地區, 她都在當地的社區大學選修美術課,在上班及照顧孩子與先生的忙碌中,她始終沒有放棄對畫畫的愛好.

前幾年,有ㄧ次無意中看到張大千的潑墨畫,印象深刻不能忘懷,決定要走潑墨畫的路線,買了很多張大千的書研究了ㄧ段時間之後,還是千頭萬緒,畫不出潑墨畫的精髓,就開始找尋潑墨畫的老師,兩年後找到了侯北人老師, 觀看侯先生作畫,終於領悟潑墨畫的秘訣,她開始在自家的後院練習,她要求自己的畫都是實景,不模擬古畫,所以當你觀賞她的畫時,你會發現她的畫均是瀑布、森林、鳥、河水, 她加上水彩畫的色彩及技巧,成了自己獨創的畫風. 2004年初秋,在一個偶然的機會,她去上了高木森教授的美術史.和高木森老師成了好朋友..高教授給了她很豊富的美術知識及贊助. 林女士目前在美國各地教授潑墨畫,並經常舉行大型的潑墨畫表演。請在林女士的網站 www.mingfranzstudio.com 隨時查看最新消息.

Ming Franz NMWS
Artist, Author, Instructor

Ming Franz specializes in splashed ink painting, which combines watercolor techniques with Chinese ink and brush. She received her basic art training in Taiwan and has continued her art in the United States. She was the Grand prize winner of International Artist Magazine Challenge No. 86 Abstract / Experimental Art.
Ming teaches workshops and conducts demonstrations at the New Mexico Art League, University New Mexico Continuing education and the New Mexico Watercolor Society as well as in her studio in Edgewood, New Mexico. She also teaches annually at Artist’s Expo, Houston, Texas, Wichita, Kansas, Chicago, Illinois, and Silicon Valley Asian Art Center, California. Denver Art Museum, Artisan Materials Expo. at Santa Fe and World of Color Expo. at Herndon, VA.
Ming is the author of “Splash Ink with Watercolor “and has had her work published in International Artist Magazine, Acrylic Illumination, Southwest Art Magazine, North Light Magazine, American Art Collector, Acrylic Artist magazine, Artist’s Magazine, Studio Visit Magazine, Kennedy Publishing Magazine, Albuquerque Journal, Mountain Valley Telegraph, San Jose Mercury, Asian World Journal in the US and Rainbow Magazine in Taiwan.
She is a Signature Member of the New Mexico Watercolor Society, and is a member of the National Watercolor Society, the Rio Grande Art Association, Sumi-e Society of America, Chinese American Art Development Foundation, and the American Society Association of Chinese Art.
You may see her paintings at her website at: www.mingfranzstudio.com.