
Joyce Chou was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She has enjoyed drawing since she was young. After her two children were grown, she started studying Chinese ink painting. She began studying under Master Pei-Jen Hau in 2008. The more she learned, the more she realized the depth and beauty of Chinese brush painting and decided to pursue this passion seriously. Her works have been exhibited in various galleries in the Bay Area and China.

周昕婷 生於台北市,自幼就喜歡自己塗塗畫畫。直到小孩都長大後才開始認真學習水墨畫。2008年起師從潑墨大師侯北人,也是墨竹大師袁天一及國畫大師簡國藩的學生,受教良多。 自此她漸漸發現國畫的深澳與魅力,也讓她更認真看待往後學習的路。她的作品曾在灣區多個畫廊及中國展出。