
Karen Tseng is originally from Hong Kong. Her early work in Abstract Expressionism was exhibited in galleries and won an award in the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition. Two of her paintings are in the permanent collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art. In the US, Karen developed a deep interest in Asian art while earning a degree in Art History at Mills College and an MBA from the University of San Francisco. She has worked in Chinese art appraisal and other businesses. Since 2006, she has been an art teacher in the Cupertino Union School District, creating an art curriculum within the Mandarin immersion program. In 2008, she embarked on a new journey into Chinese brush painting studying under the guidance of Lingnan style master Kwok-fan Kan. In 2009, she ventured into the bold splash ink style under master Pei-jen Hau, and in 2012, she started studying calligraphy with master Lui Ti.

曾慶群來自香港。她自幼學習西洋畫, 特別酷愛抽象表現派的表達方式。 她的畫屢次在香港的畫廊展出, 並在香港藝術雙年展得獎, 有兩張畫在香港藝術館的永久收藏中。在美國,曾慶群對亞洲藝術產生了濃厚的興趣,她在Mills College工讀藝術歷史, 在University of San Francisco 工讀商科。她曾從事中國藝術評估與其他業務。在過去的七年裡,她一直在庫布蒂諾學區裡教 K-8年級的小朋友美術。過去五年, 她有幸先後師事嶺南派大師簡國藩, 潑墨大師侯北人, 與書法大師呂媞。